The Power Of Walking

April 20, 2022

In today’s blog post, I will share some of the benefits of walking and why it’s essential to add to your wellness practice.

If you seek exercise to keep you active, boost your endorphins, and promote mindfulness, lace up your sneakers and start walking. Going for a brisk walk is the most straightforward and inexpensive way to work out your body and mind. It doesn’t require special equipment or even a gym membership, just sturdy and supportive shoes. Walking is gentle on the muscles and joints and has one of the lowest injury rates of any exercise.

Going for a walk is one of the simplest forms of exercise you can add to your daily routine — it is also by far one of the most effective exercises.

Here are the five most beneficial reasons to start walking daily to facilitate your health and wellness.

  1. It helps to reduce stress. Studies show that walking promotes the release of endorphins in the brain, helping to stimulate relaxation and foster mental calmness and clarity. Walking does not have to be done at a fast pace to reap these benefits — even a stroll can help promote relaxation — ideal for those who work from home to help curb stress levels on a lunch or ten-minute break. 

  2. Walking promotes mindfulness and helps to keep one grounded. While there is no right or wrong way to practice “mindful walking,” the goal is to be consciously aware while moving through your environment. In turn, the journey becomes less about the destination and more about how we feel internally. Walking is an excellent meditative practice and a way to connect more authentically with your higher self. 

  3. It can also be a mood booster. Walking increases blood flow to the brain and body, reducing stress hormones and positively influencing one’s central nervous system. 

  4. Walking strengthens your immune system. Daily walking can help protect your body during cold and flu season. Physical activity like walking increases the body’s production of white blood cells that fight infection and other diseases, helping boost the immune system’s vitality. 

  5. It slows the aging process! Because physical exercise increases blood flow to the brain, it has more power to do its work. Telomeres lengthen — the body cell’s “ticking clocks” — to extend the body’s youth and vitality. 

While this list is not exhaustive, I hope it gives you the motivation to add daily walks to your workout routine. It’s such an effortless way to exercise and destress naturally.

If you’re looking to up your fitness game while creating a balance between your body and mind, sign up for my 444 Method training program. It tones one’s physical fitness routine while simultaneously transforming the body and mind.

I have a fitness plan for you, whether you prefer a 4-week or ongoing monthly training plan.

Interested? Please sign up here — I look forward to helping you evolve into the complete version of yourself.